Modifying the Chines to Eliminate Wave Slap

By Cory Gracey — Director of Sales and Dealer Development, Nordic Tugs

I have attached photo's of the modified chine on the new 40' Nordic Tug. In summary, here is a description of what was done.

The chine was filled in to a rounded chine from the bow back 13 feet. It started at zero (0) at the bow tapering back to 8 inches, 6-1/2 feet from the bow with a 3/4 inch air gap. It then tapered down to zero (0), 13 feet back from the bow. This was achieved by grinding to a clean fiberglass surface, then adhering 2 inch wide 5 pound low-density foam board blocks to the hull in this area, followed by shaping it to the desired curve and taper. It was then fiber glassed over using one layer of matte, three layers of stitched fiberglass, and one layer of matte laminated together with vinyl ester resin. Make sure each layer is slightly overlapping the previous layer. Sand to desired shape. Paint with gelcoat and finish. Bottom paint to desired line.

I will comment that this has reduced the wave slap phenomenon to near nothing.


Photos of the Modified Chines on the New NT 40:

Area where chine has been filled
13 feet from bow
6.5 feet back from bow 8 inch filled in to 0.75 inch curved air gap
Aft End of the modified chine 13 feet from the bow


Photos of the Described Modification on a NT 37 by the Nordic Tugs Factory



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